Working together for the future

Monday, 13 February 2012

Penguins Marching Down the Halls!

If you missed the giant penguins in the halls, take a walk past the library.

Ms. Wright's class has been studying penguins for the last while and they have some bright displays up in the hallway outside her classroom. The penguins and their babies are some great examples of student created artwork, done by these amazing grade 1 and 2's.

Inside the classroom are books, stories, stuffed animals and other resources related to the theme of "penguins".

The students are very engaged in this theme and are happily sharing their penguin facts with me.


  1. I always like to see penguins... they walk in a funny way and do make me laugh.

  2. I just found this tonight for the iPad incase there is one available for the students in Ms. Wright's class to see. It is an iBook created by some young learners. I downloaded it to the iPad at home and it is a bit of nice work created with some of Apple's new software. Here is the link:

    According to the site where I got the link ( it says:

    "To download our ebooks into iBooks, you will need to touch these links while viewing this post on your iPad, iPod, or iPhone. Wait several minutes while the book uploads on your device, then select the option to open in iBooks. (These links might not work on your regular computer, unless you have downloaded a reader onto your computer that reads ePub files.)"

    There are a few more student IBooks there, but this one reminded me of Ms. Wright's project.

